ONE-TO-ONE, REMOTE CranioSacral Therapy Treatments with Ian

I'm still working on this page but want to see what it looks like! Please excuse the scrappiness...

These are treatments given to a single patient wherever he or she is in the world. I work with you from here in Shropshire, UK through a surrogate.

Working focused on one patient in this way for a whole session can be very helpful and reveal restrictions and distortions in many different aspects of the energetic body and through that, the physical body.

Just as with hands-on treatment, there is no promise to help anyone in particular but this work is well worth trying as it so gentle and easy to access. People have received help with a wide range of concerns from structural problems like back and neck pain, tight jaws, tennis elbow to a general health boost. An aim of Energy work is to treat problems at the energetic level before they ever manifest in the physical body - prevention is better than cure. You will not "be healed", you are the healer.

If your healing journey has reached a plateau, you feel stuck.

I have the following 6 appointment times available in the week for one-to-one, remote CranioSacral Therapy sessions:

14:00pm to 14:45pm and 15:00pm to 15:45pm
18:00pm to 18:45pm and 19:00pm to 19:45pm
10:00am to 10:45am and 11:00am to 11:45am
UK times, world time converter here:

Children's sessions are 30 minutes)

Email me to arrange a convenient time.

Adult: £50.00 UK pounds sterling, paypal
Child: (30 minutes) £35.00
(The cost includes  emails or facebook messages as required to discuss your health situation before and after treatments and set up appointments.)

The Thursday Group sessions are still free and open to all. If you have one-to-one sessions I recommend you join in the group sessions as well.

What conditions can remote CranioSacral Therapy help?

How many sessions will my treatment need?

How does it work?

It’s energy work

What will I feel?

Finding the roots
More about my experience as a therapist 
paypal button:

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